Tudor Crescent, Hainault has been my home for 13 years.
During the COVID-19 pandemic I played guitar in my driveway to cheer people up, and my idea to become a Tudor Crescent micro-local village-builder was born.
What are your needs and aspirations for our crescent? You are all warmly welcome!
I am trained in village building and in facilitating creative practice as a musician, poet and artist. I also ran two organic allotments for years.
I’d love to see more people coming together to make our community a vibrant, healthier and more eco-friendly place to live.
Regular meetings via Zoom are a way for us to share stories, find common ground / purpose and to ask questions in a kind, open and inclusive way.
For more information, please email me at: mail@gemmaboyd.space
Pavement Art
Check out our responses to the questions I chalked, that people can respond to anonymously. Thank you to all who have engaged. Contact me with any suggestions for other creative things we can do to brighten up the crescent!