Sharing my poetry (January 27th 2011)

This month I’ve been typing my poems into my computer so that if my flat burns down or I leave my poems on a train etc., I will have backup copies, and years of work won't be annihilated. Simultaneously, I’ve been publishing and copyrighting a selection of my poems on Facebook (I'd rather have them being read instead of them simply festering away in a file). I'd like to thank everyone; in particular, Rehan Qayoom, Rosanna Robinson, Alan Gilbert, Sharon Downey, Shirleyann Swift, Mark Redmond, Peggy James Vidrine and Steve Biddle, who’ve left insightful and encouraging comments. I keep thinking of a saying that my dad would always trot out: "Fine words butter no parsnips.” Ok, my words don't butter no parsnips, but at least some of them move people and give them something to ponder on. I'm enjoying getting back into poetry writing because it's making me feel more connected to others in a society that's becoming increasingly bland and dehumanized - especially with the demise of lots of public libraries.