January 2025: What I’m building for my future
Minimal Elegant StepsGemma Boyd: Musician, Writer and Artistmanifesting miracles, surviving incest, OCD, PTSD, CPTSD, sylvotherapy, organic food and drink selling, busking, Claybury Woods, live private music lessons, Permies Bootcamp
October - December 2023: ‘Fearless Living’ by Rhonda Britten
Minimal Elegant StepsGemma Boyd: Musician, Writer and ArtistFearless Living by Rhonda Britten, Albert Camus, thriving after abuse, sexual assault, Etsy scam, menopause, family expectations, wheel of fear, wheel of freedom, incredible women, Diana Nyad, Natalie Sands, Angela Madsen, essential nature, wholeness, Rhonda Britten, focused, personal power, wild camping overnighter, homestead, organic food from the garden, organic gardening, composer, compositions, improvisations, musician, musician life, OCD, healing from CPTSD, covid anxiety, covid19, busking, guitar, youtuber, gemma boyd musician, gemma boyd writer, gemma boyd artist, yoga, meditation, living yin, mindful self-compassion, center for mindful self-compassion
March and April 2023: The regrowth of my 'musician' limb, and a wild new chapter
Minimal Elegant StepsGemma Boyd: Musician, Writer and Artistmusician healing from injury, doing what we fear, what are you afraid of, wild camping, solo wild camping, stealth camping, personal freedom, OCD, CPTSD, artistic journey, artistic process, musician life, music, composer, wild camping tips, recommended music, living with mental illness, covid19, asking for help, loneliness, not coping with the pandemic, wild camping kit, map and compass navigation, marti pellow, marty morissette, natalie merchant, nick cave, microadventures, Incest Survivors Roar, incestsurvivor, adult incest survivors, healing art, healing from incest abuse, music improvisation, art film, art animation, Gemma Boyd Musician, Writer & Artist YouTube, Incest Survivors Roar YouTube
April 2022: Celebrating not being in chronic pain
Community CreativityGemma Boyd: Musician, Writer and Artistchronic pain, OCD, shoulderbirsitis, mixedmediaart, mixedmediaartist, villageinthecity, villagebuilding, villagebuilder, cob building, souls calling, connection, courage, collective trauma, covid19, war, love, communication, recommended film, community art, chalking, chalk talk, mental illness
June 2021: Relinquishing the fight
Letting GoGemma Boyd: Musician, Writer and Artistcovid19, gratitude, safety, choice, depression, selfhatred, stoicism, OCD, WISDOM, trauma, joy, allotmenteer, allotment, artisticjourney, artist, musician, mixedmediaart, mixedmediaartist, villagebuilder
Machine Man The Movie (March 6th 2011)